Processing Ajax...

View Message

Test Status Rules

Combined Attachment Content

Parsed Message Text

Forward Message

Separate email addresses with commas or semicolons.







Are you sure you want to delete this item?


Are you sure you want to delete this item?


Are you sure?

New User Type: Subscription-Only

October 17, 2022
We're pleased to announce that we've added a new user type that allows access to the Subscription details only, and no other data. For example, you can now create a user for someone in the finance department to manage the payment details for your org, without giving them access to any of the check data.

To add a subscription-only user:

  • Go to Organization > Users
  • Click the "Add User" link
  • When choosing from the "Access Level" drop-down, select "Subscription-Only"

As always, if you need any assistance, please feel free to contact us.

Our New Responsive Website is Here!

June 27, 2022
We're very pleased to announce that we've just deployed a huge website re-design. This design brings a modern touch to the site, and also makes it a fully responsive design, allowing it to work well on desktop and mobile devices.

Check out these before and after screenshots:

CheckCentral Dashboard Before
CheckCentral Dashboard Before

CheckCentral Dashboard After
CheckCentral Dashboard After

If you have any questions or run into any issues with the new website, please let us know!

New Feature: Restrict Custom Dashboards to Specific Labels

June 13, 2022
We're very excited to announce that custom dashboards can now be configured to show only checks that match specific labels. This can be helpful if you have labels that are in use in more than one check group, but you want to see all checks for those labels.

To configure your custom dashboard to show checks for specific labels, go to Dashboards > Manage Dashboards. From there, create a new dashboard, or edit an existing one.

At the bottom of the dashboard edit dialog, you'll see the option to select labels to display on the dashboard.

Custom Dashboards Labels Option
Custom Dashboards Labels Option

As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact us for assistance!

New Feature: Restrict Logins to Azure AD or Google Workspaces for your Organization

April 29, 2022
We're very pleased to announce that you can now configure your CheckCentral organization to only allow logins from a specific Azure AD tenant ID or Google Workspaces domain.

To configure the SSO locking, login with either an Azure AD or Google Workspaces account, then navigate to Organization > Settings.

In the Security section of the settings page, you'll see your Azure tenant ID or Google domain shown below the configuration. You can then copy it and paste it into the "Azure AD Tenant ID" or "Google Workspaces Domain" box and save the settings.

After doing this, only users that are logged in with that tenant ID or domain will have access to your CheckCentral organization. Note that this will prevent users from accessing the organization using a regular Binary Fortress account.

Restrict Logins to Azure AD or Google Workspaces for your Organization
Restrict Logins to Azure AD or Google Workspaces for your Organization

As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact us for assistance!

New Feature: Import Customers from PSA Systems!

April 29, 2022
We're very pleased to announce that you can now import the customer list from your PSA system as check groups in CheckCentral. This allows MSPs to quickly create check groups for each customer, and also allows for tickets to be automatically assigned to the correct customer when they're created in the PSA.

Customer importing is currently supported on these external ticketing system configurations in CheckCentral:
  • Atera
  • Autotask
  • ConnectWise
  • HaloPSA
  • SyncroMSP

When configuring one of the above external ticketing systems in CheckCentral, make sure to choose "Automatically select customer based on check group name" when doing the customer/account search in the configuration.

After saving your configuration, you can click the icon shown below to import the customers as check groups.

Customer Import Button
Customer Import Button

As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact us for assistance!

Check Dell RAID Status

April 1, 2022
CheckCentral can parse anything you send to it, which means you can monitor more than just backups! With this script, you can send the status of your Dell RAID volumes to CheckCentral daily and get notified if anything is amiss.
This script requires Dell OpenManage to be installed on the server as it uses the omreport.exe CLI tool.
API Menu
  • Click "Add Token."
Add Token
  • Give the token a name, e.g.
    SERVER01 Dell RAID Script
  • Select "createActivities Only" in the Access Level drop-down and click Save.
Token Details
  • Copy the token, and paste it in the $apiToken variable on line 11 of the script.
Paste Token Into Script
  • On line 14 of the script, set the RAID Controller ID. If there's only one in the machine, this will most likely be
  • Run the script. You'll now see an unmatched activity in CheckCentral.
  • Configure this script to run on a machine somewhere as a regularly scheduled task. (Daily in this example)
For multiple instances, consider using unique API keys. If at a later date one needs to be revoked, it will then only impact a single instance.
  • In CheckCentral, go to Activities.
Activities Menu
  • Select "Unmatched" from the Matched dropdown selector and then click the "Filter" button. The results will show below.
Unmatched Activity
  • Click the "Create Check" link next to the relevant activity.
Create Check
  • Leave the Name as is.
  • Select an existing Check Group or create a new one by clicking "
    Check Group icon
    Add Check Group
  • Select an existing Label or create a new one by typing the name in the text field of the dropdown (optional).
  • Add a description (optional).
  • The Asset ID is used exclusively with certain ticketing systems and is not required for Checks. Asset ID details and ticketing systems are more fully covered by other documents (e.g. Halo Integration (asset ID).)
  • Leave the Asset ID blank.
Your Check so far will look something like this:
Step 1: Identification
Navigate to the next step in CheckCentral by clicking the "Next" button or the tab name.
  • Leave "Scheduled" selected as we will be running the script regularly.
  • Assuming you'll run the script daily, leave the Expected Interval on "1" "Day(s)." If you plan to run the script on another interval, adjust accordingly.
The initial expectation time is set by the first email message that is received and processed by its Check. (For example, if a notification email arrives at noon and its Check is set for every half hour, it will expect another notification email at 12:30.)
  • Leave the Set as Overdue setting at "After 30 Minutes." If the script notification email is not received after this amount of time has been exceeded, the Check will be marked as a failure. Leave Custom Schedule de-selected.
Step 2: Schedule
The Matching step is what matches a notification email to its specific Check. It's also where you'll set the notification's CheckCentral destination email. For email-based notifications, this email can be used for quick matching. Because this is an API-created activity, other Matching Rules are needed.
A Matching Rule is created by default with the Subject of the message crafted by the earlier test run of the script. The "Subject" "Is Exactly" dropdowns and the text
Dell RAID Status:
are displayed, appended with the Computer Name of the computer running the script.
  • Leave the "Dell RAID Status" Matching Rule as is. You can delete the other email address Matching Rule by clicking the trashcan icon, but it is not required.
  • Leave Condense Whitespace and Combine Attachments enabled and the matching modifier set to "All."
Step 3: Matching
The email address will appear different based on your organization name and the name you specified for your check.
The previous Matching step identifies the incoming message to the Check. The Status step looks for indicators of what type of notification you're receiving (e.g. The job was successfully run, it failed, or there were some issues.)
  • Leave the Default Status on "Failure." The "Success Criteria" section is where you'll set the criteria that will mark an activity as successful.
  • Click
    Add Success Rule
    . The output from omreport will show
    "Status : Ok"{#}
    (where # is the number of volumes reported).
  • Set the rule to "Body Text" "Complex Match" and then type
    "Status : Ok"{#}
    (with quotes included) in the empty text field, replacing the
    with the number of volumes. For omreports with only one volume, use
    "Status : Ok"
    instead (without
  • The "Warning Criteria" section is where you'll set the criteria that will mark an activity with a warning. Because there is no warning criteria for this Check, we do not add a rule.
  • Leave the Condense Whitespace and Combine Attachments checkboxes enabled.
Step 4: Status
Notification Fields
Notifications are simply how you want to be informed of Check Failures, Warnings, and some other Status changes.
Email, push, chat and other software can be integrated as well as ticketing systems, allowing for automatic ticket creation and management.
Further configuration is required for each to function and is done via the Notifications tab in the main menu. They can be configured before or after Check creation.
For more understanding of Notification setup, see the CheckCentral Beginner's Guide (Notifications).
  • Select the desired means of Notification. If in doubt of the selections here, leave the defaults.
  • To confirm the activity now matches the check, click the Test button.
Under "Recent Messages Now Matched" your previously unmatched activity will be displayed with a green Status indicator (assuming the full number of volumes returned an "OK").
Test Results
  • Close the Test window.
  • Click the "Save Check" button.
For more detail on Check creation and best practices, see our Check Creation Guide.
For other guides and support contact information, see CheckCentral Support
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