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New Direct Integration: Acronis

October 25, 2024
We're very excited to announce a great new feature to CheckCentral: direct integration with Acronis! This feature allows you to pull backup statuses and other things directly from Acronis instead of relying on email notifications sent into CheckCentral.
To get started with the Acronis direct integration today, login to your CheckCentral organization and navigate to Services > Direct Integrations in the top menu. From there you can choose your integration and follow the steps in the wizard to get it all setup. Each of the wizard pages has help text on the right-hand side to walk you through all of the steps.
Acronis Checks
Acronis Checks
Acronis Activity Body
Acronis Activity Body
This new feature is available for all Enterprise and Custom subscription plans. If you have any questions, feedback, or other thoughts, please don't hesitate to contact us.

New Direct Integration: Domain Name Expiry Check

October 18, 2024
We're very excited to announce a great new feature to CheckCentral: Domain Name Expiry Checks! This feature allows you to monitor any domain names you manage and get an alert when a domain name needs renewal.
To get started with the Domain Name Expiry Check direct integration today, login to your CheckCentral organization and navigate to Services > Direct Integrations in the top menu. From there you can choose your integration and follow the steps in the wizard to get it all setup. Each of the wizard pages has help text on the right-hand side to walk you through all of the steps.
Domain Expiry Checks
Domain Expiry Checks
Domain Expiry Activity Body
Domain Expiry Activity Body
This new feature is available for all Enterprise and Custom subscription plans. If you have any questions, feedback, or other thoughts, please don't hesitate to contact us.

New Direct Integration: Microsoft Azure

October 18, 2024
We're very excited to announce a great new feature to CheckCentral: direct integration with Microsoft Azure! This feature allows you to pull backup statuses and other things directly from Microsoft Azure instead of relying on email notifications sent into CheckCentral. This even includes VM replication!
To get started with the Microsoft Azure direct integration today, login to your CheckCentral organization and navigate to Services > Direct Integrations in the top menu. From there you can choose your integration and follow the steps in the wizard to get it all setup. Each of the wizard pages has help text on the right-hand side to walk you through all of the steps.
Checks Created By Azure Integration
Checks Created By Azure Integration
This new feature is available for all Enterprise and Custom subscription plans. If you have any questions, feedback, or other thoughts, please don't hesitate to contact us.

New Direct Integration: Cove Data Protection

October 18, 2024
We're very excited to announce a great new feature to CheckCentral: direct integration with Cove Data Protection! This feature allows you to pull backup statuses and other things directly from Cove Data Protection instead of relying on email notifications sent into CheckCentral.
To get started with the Cove Data Protection direct integration today, login to your CheckCentral organization and navigate to Services > Direct Integrations in the top menu. From there you can choose your integration and follow the steps in the wizard to get it all setup. Each of the wizard pages has help text on the right-hand side to walk you through all of the steps.
This new feature is available for all Enterprise and Custom subscription plans. If you have any questions, feedback, or other thoughts, please don't hesitate to contact us.
Cove Backup Integration
Cove Backup Integration
Cove Backup Activity Body
Cove Backup Activity Body

New Ticketing System: TOPdesk

October 9, 2024
We are excited to announce the addition of TOPdesk as an External Ticketing integration in CheckCentral. Once configured, CheckCentral will automatically open tickets in TOPdesk for failed Checks. It will keep the tickets up to date with notes for subsequent warnings and failures and will automatically close the ticket when the Check reverts to success.
To configure TOPdesk as an External Ticketing integration:
  • Login to CheckCentral and navigate to your Dashboard.
  • On the top menu, click Notifications > External Ticketing Systems.
  • Click "Add Ticketing System" and choose TOPdesk.
  • Follow the instructions in the TOPdesk dialog to configure the integration.
  • Be sure to click the "Manage" button next to "Checks and Default Groups" in the TOPdesk configuration to choose which Checks the TOPdesk integration should be enabled for.
TOPdesk External Ticketing Configuration
TOPdesk External Ticketing Configuration
We are constantly striving to improve our services and provide you with enhanced features that make your CheckCentral experience even more efficient. If you have any questions or require assistance with the TOPdesk integration or any other aspect of CheckCentral, our dedicated support team is always here to help.

New Feature: Browser Push Notifications

August 15, 2024
We're pleased to announce that you can now enable CheckCentral push notifications in your desktop or mobile browser of choice! Now you have the option of being notified by browser push notifications, which use standard operating system notification calls, in addition to existing notification types like email, Slack, Teams, and more.
To get started with browser push notifications:
  • Login to your CheckCentral Dashboard.
  • Go to Services > Personal Notifications in the top menu.
  • Click the icons for the notification type (failure, warning, unmatched, digest) that you'd like to receive.
  • Click the
    button in the right column of the Browser Push Notifications row.
  • Click "Allow" when prompted by your browser to allow push notifications from CheckCentral.
  • Click the paper airplane icon to send a test notification to confirm the notifications are working.
Note: For Apple iOS, you'll need to first navigate to CheckCentral, tap the Share button, and choose "Add to Home Screen", then launch it from the home screen shortcut before you can enable browser push notifications.
Enabling Browser Push Notifications
Enabling Browser Push Notifications
This new option is available across all subscription plans. If you have any questions, feedback, or other thoughts, please don't hesitate to contact us.
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