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A Smarter Way to Monitor Your Backups & More

Say goodbye to manually reviewing your email notifications! CheckCentral monitors your notifications for you, and will let you know when something needs your attention.

CheckCentral: A Smarter Way to Monitor Your Backups & More

Quick & Easy Setup

Adding your checks is a breeze. Simply set your application to email CheckCentral, set a couple of options and you’re good to go! Supports Veeam, Acronis and many more!

Always in-the-Know

CheckCentral never stops keeping tabs on your checks. When something is wrong, you’ll know instantly via SMS, email and mobile push notifications.

Beyond Just Backups

Check the results of PowerShell scripts and other scheduled jobs. Anything that can send an email can be monitored by CheckCentral.

Great for Teams

Now your entire team can quickly check in on the status of your backups & more, with customizable permissions.
CheckCentral: A Smarter Way to Monitor Your Backups & More

Try CheckCentral Today!

The best way to learn about CheckCentral is to see it for yourself! Book a demo with us today, or get started with a free trial using the buttons below.

What Our Customers are Saying

CheckCentral has allowed me to sleep better at night. We can now identify failed jobs, jobs that didn’t run or are hung, and successful jobs in a single pane of glass. What was a several hour task, has been leveled to minutes. We now have a scalable and efficient way to ensure that our client's backups will grow with us.

Before using CheckCentral my inbox would be filled with so many notifications that it was easy to miss the really critical ones. Worse, there were a number that were “all clear” positive notification messages. Now, my inbox is clean, and we have a sleek dashboard for quick identification of any issues.


New Feature: Browser Push Notifications

We're pleased to announce that you can now enable CheckCentral push notifications in your desktop or mobile browser of choice! Now you have the option of being notified by browser push notifications, which use standard operating system notification calls, in addition to existing notification types like email, Slack, Teams, and more.
Aug 15, 2024

New Feature: Per-User Subscription Notifications

We're pleased to announce that you can now configure which users receive subscription and billing notifications!
Aug 14, 2024

New Report Type: Custom Status Report

We're pleased to announce that we've added a new "Custom Status" report type. This report has the same layout as the Weekly Status and Monthly Status reports, but it allows you to select up to 10 arbitrary dates to report on. This is useful if you want to pull backups statuses relating to a specific event.
May 24, 2024

New Feature: Activity Notes!

We're pleased to announce that you can now add notes to activities in CheckCentral. This will allow you to add valuable context to failure activities to let others in your organization know you're working on resolving the issue, or to communicate information specific to the issue with others.
May 24, 2024

New Report Type: Monthly Status Report

We're pleased to announce that we've added a new "Monthly Status" report type. This report shows the check statuses for the selected checks for the last full month. This report gives you a quick way to see how your backups have been performing over the last month.
Apr 18, 2024

New Report Type: Billing Report

We're pleased to announce that we've added a new "Billing" report type. This report shows the cost of your org, and breaks it down by Check Group. This report type will be most useful for MSPs who use separate Check Groups for each client.
Apr 11, 2024